22 Facts About Pomegranates

22 Facts About Pomegranates
The pomegranate is native to Iran, Saudi Arabia, Northern India, Bengal, and Southern Asia and is cultivated widely throughout the Middle East, India, southeast Asia, and parts of Africa.

There are over 760 varieties of pomegranate.

Pomegranate remains dating back to 1000 BC have been found in Transcaucasia.

Ancient Egyptions were often buried with pomegranates. A large, dry pomegranate was found in the tomb of Djehuty, the butler of Egypt's Queen Hatshepsut.

The city of Granada, Spain is named after the Spanish word for pomegranate, "granada." The city's heraldic device is the pomegranate.

In early English, the pomegranate was called the "apple of Grenada."

Pomegranates are mentioned numerous times in the Bible. Exodus 28:33-34 says that images of pomegranates should be woven onto the hem of the robe worn by the Hebrew High Priest.

Jewish tradition teaches that the pomegranate is a symbol of righteousness because its 613 seeds correspond with the 613 commandments of the Torah. However, the number of seeds in a pomegranate varies.

Pomegranate is one of the Seven Spices (shivat haminim), seven fruits and grains named in the Hebrew Bible as being native to Israel.

Many scholars believe it was a pomegranate rather than an apple that tempted Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

In the Qur'an, pomegranates are named as one of the fruits that will grow in the gardens of paradise.

In Hinduism, the pomegranate symbolizes prosperity and fertility.

The English word "pomegranate" comes from the Latin words for apple ("pomum") (apple) and seeded ("granatus").

The pomegranate was an emblem in the coat of arms of Catherine of Aragon, Henry the VIII's first wife. When Anne Boleyn took her place as Henry's wife, she changed to emblem to an image of a white dove pecking at a pomegranate.

The pomegranate was introduced to California by Spanish settlers in 1769.

Thomas Jefferson planted pomegranates at Monticello in 1771.

In Greek mythology, Persephone is condemned to spend every winter in the underworld after the god Hades tricks her into eating pomegranate seeds.

In Greece, a traditional housewarming gift is a pomegranate placed under or near the ikonostasi (home altar) of the house in order to bring good luck, fertility, and abundance.

In Greece it is traditional to break pomegranates on the ground at weddings and on New Year's.

In Japan, the pomegranate plant is often used for bonsai because of the interesting twisted bark some pomegranate plants can attain.

Every October, the Pomegranate Festival is held in Goychay, Azerbaijan. The festival features pomegranate cuisine, dancing, and music.

Pomegranate season is from September to February in the Northern Hemisphere. This has earned it the nickname "The Jewel of Winter."

Pomegranate Juice and Blood Pressure

Pomegranate Juice and Blood Pressure
Pomegranate juice has shown promise in early studies for its blood pressure lowering effects.

According to the Mayo Clinic, more research needs to be done to determine how well pomegranate juice works in lowering blood pressure but the evidence so far looks promising.

It is believed that the high level of antioxidants in pomegranate juice is responsible for its heart-protective and cholesterol-lowering effects.

The Mayo Clinic says, "Pomegranate juice is generally safe to drink. Most studies have used a daily intake of 1.5 ounces of pomegranate juice with no significant side effects."

Adding pomegranate juice to your daily routine may be a safe and delicious way to reduce your blood pressure.

Pomegranate Juice and Prostate Cancer

Pomegranate Juice and Prostate Cancer
Research has shown that pomegranate juice inhibits prostate cancer in mice.

A 2005 study done at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences also found that PSA markers were lower in mice given pomegranate juice.

It was the first published study to show the potential prostate cancer inhibiting effects of pomegranate juice.

A more recent study published in 2008 found that pomegranate extract reduced the size of prostate cancer tumors in mice by inhibiting the growth of new blood vessels that help the tumors grow.

11 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

11 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice
Pomegranate juice has become popular in the past few years, but does it really live up to the hype? It looks like it.

Several recent studies have shown significant potential health benefits from drinking pomegranate juice. Here are eleven benefits of pomegranate juice :

Fights Breast Cancer
Studies in Israel show that pomegranate juice destroys breast cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone. It may also prevent breast cancer cells from forming.

Lung Cancer Prevention
Studies in mice show that pomegranate juice may inhibit the development of lung cancer.

Slows Prostate Cancer
It slowed the growth of prostate cancer in mice.

Keeps PSA Levels Stable
In a study of 50 men who had undergone treatment for prostate cancer, 8 ounces of pomegranate juice per day kept PSA levels stable, reducing the need for further treatment such as chemotherapy or hormone therapy.

Protects the Neonatal Brain
Studies show that maternal consumption of pomegranate juice may protect the neonatal brain from damage after injury.

Prevention of Osteoarthritis
Several studies indicate that pomegranate juice may prevent cartilage deterioration.

Protects the Arteries
It prevents plaque from building up in the arteries and may reverse previous plaque buildup.

Alzheimer's Disease Prevention
It may prevent and slow Alzheimer's disease. In one study, mice bred to develop Alzheimer's disease were given pomegranate juice. They accumulated significantly less amyloid plaque than control mice and they performed mental tasks better.

Lowers Cholesterol
It lowers LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises HDL (good cholesterol).

Lowers Blood Pressure
One study showed that drinking 1.7 ounces of pomegranate juice per day lowered systolic blood pressure by as much as 5 percent.

Dental Protection
Research suggests that drinking pomegranate juice may be a natural way to prevent dental plaque.

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